Friday, September 7, 2012

A Past I Didn't Know Of...

"Don’t let the past hold you back; you’re missing the good stuff." - Unknown

It is interesting that our past will show up even though I am more keen to look into the future.

We were chatting, and she suddenly asked me with her psychic intuition, "What is it about this older man who is in love with you?"

I looked at her with questioningly raised eyebrows, unsure of who she was referring to. I thought of him, but her subsequent questions carried more reference and relevance to you. 

And when I could not give her a more definitive answer of her questions and eventually telling her that the last relationship I had ended six years ago and we have not been in contact since, we decided to shrug those questions away, as she cautioned, "It's better that you continue to stay away..." Ringing another bell to you.

I could not get our conversation out of our mind. And so I asked her a few days later, "Who is the one (she) 'saw'?"

She had not wanted to tell me, knowing it was a baggage from the past for me. But I pressed on, feeling another pang in my heart.
And tears brimmed to my eyes immediately, when she confirmed that -
It's you.

It never crossed my mind that it was you. For she used the word 'love', and it has never incurred to me that you felt so for me - when you had so vehemently  denied and cut me off so completely and heartlessly, so long ago...

I thought I always knew what our past had been. But suddenly, I don't feel I do... And perhaps, that's all for the better.