Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tremours and Swirls

Houses burn amid flood waters on 11 March after a massive magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan triggered a powerful tsunami. Hundreds are dead, thousands are stranded, and a handful of ships and trains remain missing along the country's northeastern coast. The earthquake and its aftershocks were felt as far away as Tokyo, about 400 kilometers from the epicenter.

Even as Japan struggled to assess the full extent of the devastation, the nation faced a growing atomic emergency as cooling systems damaged by the quake failed at two nuclear plants and residents in the area were ordered to evacuate.

In the face of mankind's fragility, the tremours and swirls left these imprints on the heart: Be grateful. Do good. Pursue your dreams.

And most profoundly, let go of all materistic desires. They are indeed intangible in times of great crisis. For afterall, how much can you bring along with you, when you have the one little opportunity to fled for your life? 

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