Tuesday, January 1, 2013

52 Changes Ahead: For The Ultimate Warrior

The M.A.D Warriors from the Heart -
368 Sun Salutations Pledged, but 460 Sun Salutations COMPLETED!

It is New Year Day, and I like to take a moment to make a recount of 2012, to take stock of what I have experienced, and to gain some understanding of what I have learnt.

One of the most memorable event from 2012 was the participation in the "Warrior from the Heart" Charity Event on 15 December. This event has been inspired by my yoga teacher, Shirly's favourite quotation by Ghandi, "Be The Change You Want To See In The World". She believes that we have the power and ability to make a difference; even a simple yoga practice, when practiced mindfully can affect our lives and the people around us. And to encourage us, the event is also taglined as "60 Minutes - Be The Change You Want To See In Your World".

13 of us took on her call to take part in this event, with a pledge to complete 368 Sun Salutations in an hour. But we went beyond our own expectations and a total of 460 Sun Salutations were completed on the actual event day. We, the Warriors, were all very pleased and proud of ourselves. But more than anything, I am grateful to Shirly, for rousing the "Warrior" within us by organising this event and a chance for us to contribute towards the children of Operation Shanti in Mysore, India.

And much to my own surprise, I was unwittingly crowned "The Ultimate Warrior", for completing 52 - the most number of -
Sun Salutations on that day. I had been commended for my efforts, but I always take a moment to credit the "glory" of making the feat possible to those who had supported and spurred me on for this event. I had been truly honored, humbled and touched for the encouragment received during the donation drive. They are the ones who have kept the "Warrior" within me alive and it is amazing to see how far you are willing to go when someone believes in you

As I move into 2013, I also took on a reflective moment to see what this activity had led to discover about myself, to look back at the secondary intent of this meaningful cause: Be the Change You Want to See In Your World. My own world. 

I mulled over the Changes I have experienced over the past one year, and deliberated what they each meant to me. For one, I come to understand that Change takes Pain. Change, such as stepping out of my old comfort zone - like using muscles I seldom use - takes me to achieve feats I would not have done otherwise. If we do not accept the pain that comes with the aching muscles that are activated when we build up strength and stamina in our body, nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of Change. And that applies to almost everything I want in my life.

Change, such as throwing away old beliefs and fears, brings me to embrace faith and positivity in times of challenges. It lets me come to appreciate that the experiences that challange us the most always lead us to times that are better than we ever imagine.

Change, such as letting go of grudges and hurt, leads to freedom and liberation of many new opportunities that would have otherwise remained unknown. It not only opens up the heart to receive light and optimism, but also teaches me something about not dwelling on misfortunes, learning from mistakes, and believing that every setback will work itself out in the long haul.

And most of all, Change, such as accepting failure and disappointments, allows me to gain courage from going with the flow amidst difficult circumstances. It makes me see
that it is not a problem if one door is closing, but it IS a problem if I do not realise that I am being redirected to something so much better.

What's meant to be will always find its way. As I come to terms with this, I also learn to let go of all attachments to things that are not meant to be, to bow out gracefully, to seek a recourse and to eventually believe and accept this tiny voice that always says, I do deserve something better - even if I do not know what it is in the sad moment and face of rejection.

As I embraced 2012 as being exactly as it was meant to be, accept what is and get clear on what I want moving forward, I also ask myself, what more do I want for 2013? The answer seems to come in a uncanny twist of coincidence and fate from an article in
Zen Habits today: 52 Changes for 2013.

52? Why does it sound so familiar? Isn't this the number of Sun Salutations I did in "Warrior from the Heart: Be the Change I Want To See in MY World" Charity Event? And 52 Sun Salutations for 52 Changes in 2013? No no no! I
t is not my intention to make a list of resolutions for the new year! At least, not 52 at one go! I screamed frantically to the Universe.

But the Universe only looks on quietly as if to smile and say, "If this is to help prompt a deeper, more contemplative and authentic path for self-growth and improvement, set this as a intent and process of looking ahead: 52 Changes, in 52 weeks - for the Ultimate Warrior in YOU!"

2012 has come to a close. When I think of the last year, I am grateful for the love, faith and courage it has inspired. I am ready for 2013 - may it brings on many new, happy things!

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can... And somewhere in the next year, I hope you surprise yourself."
- Neil Gaiman

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