Monday, July 1, 2013

Somewhere Only We Know

Starting 4 July 2013

A few days more to my trip.
And I still remember those moments
When I flickered in between
Excitement, anticipation, fears and doubts.

Excitement - for the new experience;
Anticipation - for a dream come true;
Fears - for the unknown and the risks involved;
Doubts - if I can make it on my own.

It would have been easier to back off,
To stay in my comfort zone.
But there is a little voice that whispered,
"I know I will always have regrets if I don't go this time..."

Isn't there a saying that goes,
"When you want something,
All the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
And so quietly, I asked for guidance from the Universe.

Don't Live Your Life In Regrets
This came to me on a day
When I am still sitting on the fence over my travel plans.

Upon seeing this, I smiled and finally put my foot down,
As I take it as a sign that it is telling me: To go.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams;
Live the life you’ve imagined.
Don't give in to your fears;
If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart.

Go with the flow
And let everything unfold as the journey starts.

Safety comes first, but 
keep an open mind and heart
To enjoy yourself and be willing to try new things.

Go deep within
Reconnect with yourself and trust your inner guide
We all dance all the time
But it is time to dance at the sound of the heart.

So, go it will be.
Yet in between,
The heart turns restless to question,
"What is the purpose of this trip?"

I was afraid
Of the expectations I hold for the trip;
Of the outcome and what is to come next;
And what if, I can't find what I am seeking through this trip...?

Questions revolved in my head like on a merry-go-round;
Toss in the daily grind of self-doubts and spiced with uncertainties,
It sets the perfect recipe for dizziness to set in
As anxiety and worry leading to overall mental confusion.

I felt lost and ready to throw in the towel again

The very answer I need

Just when I felt the knots in my guts tightening
Like a closed water cap being turned even tighter;
I had an "Ah Ha" moment to find this very answer I need,
And felt the build-up pressure leaving me, as the cap "popped" off.

Get the internal GPS system rebooted
And your energy return as will a peaceful inner focus.
Otherwise, it’s hard to get where you’re going
If you don’t know where that is.

I was reminded that

There is no coincidence in this Universe.
God make things happen at the right time.
Including the people you met, the advice they give.

And I just want to say, I am grateful to all. Namaste.
"Just be, remember to breathe,  give yourself a break, spend time in nature, travel, learn a new language and spend time with family and friends. The importance is to accept life the way it is and that will lead to answers one is seeking."
~ Nicky Sehra, from "When was the Last Time You Took a Spiritual Break" 

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