Friday, July 19, 2013

The Moola Mantra

A prayer that adores the great creator and liberator

As I took on this journey,
I had expected it to be
A life-altering epiphany; a total makeover of my present life.

But of all things,

It turned out to be one
Of liberation.

What works
And what no longer works for me


Old patterns
To make way for new habits

To let go
Of what no longer serve a purpose.

It is beautiful
That my soul was comforted and soothed
By "The Moola Mantra" during this period.

When its calmness
Brought assurance to an aching heart that,
Everything will come in its good, perfect timing.

That what follows
Is Creation.

I close my eyes,
Breathe deeply
And made a note to Self,

"Always remember that your present situation
Is not your final destination.
The best is yet to come."  
I looked up and smiled to see the twinkling stars above me.
But as I stepped back and tilted my head just an inch further,
I saw more stars and discover what seems to be the whole universe of stars...

I suddenly felt a sense of liberation and
Had a better appreciation of the Chinese idiom,
"Take a step back, so as to be boundless as the sea and sky".
(退一步, 海阔天空") .

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