Sunday, August 12, 2012

Be the Change

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
- Gandhi 

One of my new year resolution for 2012 is "Be the Change you want to see in my own Life". That is to to create the life I want to live; to shape the world around me just by who I am, and how I am communicating. By the law of attraction, we DO have the power within ourselves to do so.

Along the path of a a budding yogi's practice journey, I came to "know" Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. In a writeup of his writing career on Wikipedia, it was mentioned that "while trying to overcome his procrastination of launching his writing career, Coelho said, "If I see a white feather today, that is a sign that God is giving me that I have to write a new book." Coelho found a white feather in the window of a shop, and began writing that day.

I sniggered to myself upon reading this, and half-wished for God to give me the same sign. And as I walked home on the same evening, I saw a black, tattered feather lying in my path. I remembering holding my breath, before giving out a slow exhale. I looked up at the blue sky above me and mused, "God, this is a joke right?" But an answer came to me just as immediately, "You ask for a feather. THIS is a feather - though black and tattered, it IS still a feather." But I bargained, "No. If this is it, please give me a beautiful, white feather tomorrow to make it a CLEAR sign. If You can, let it snow white feathers (haha, I bet You won't)."

The next day, as I prepared to leave the house for an outdoor activity, I remember the silent exchange I had made with the Universe. And I quietened my mind to say, "God, if (this is the Life Purpose that You have wanted me to serve in this lifetime), please let me spot a beautiful, white feather on the ground today. While it will be surely be a dramatic effect to have white feathers snowing all over, I don't think it is really necessary now."

And guess what I saw at an organic vegetable farm I visited at Kluang today? Amidst the vast land of growing greens, the guide brought us to an area where they reared some fowls and rabbits. And as I roamed my eyes idly among the docile rabbits, there lie a single, beautiful white feather - almost peacefully - in the mid of the resting ground for the rabbits. "No, that feather looks too far away!" I proclaimed silently and turned to walk away in an attempt to deny the "offensive" feather - before spotting yet another white, tattered and tiny feather at my feet.

White, tattered and tiny. But still a feather. And I decided not to fight this anymore.     

I was in Bali earlier in Feb this year, and I went to Ketut Liyer (the shot-to-fame medicine man from Eat, Pray, Love) for a palm and body reading. I laughed off most of what he said to me and had thought this was "just what I had read about him from the Internet". Until he said, this line (drawing a long, straight line down my right arm) says you are a writer, very good with computers, and publishing. You will be very, very successful.

"If you're finding white feathers, an angel is watching over you, to let us know they heard our prayers or to let us know that we're on the right path."

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