Saturday, November 6, 2010

A 10-Day Facebook-Retreat

I deactivated my Facebook account in late October. And for almost ten days, I did not login but lock myself out of the happenings surrounding my friends and interest groups I have joined instead.

For someone who had declared "Facebook is my CNN" and made wall posts every other day (sometimes, every other hour), I was surprised how peaceful and calm I felt during those ten days. The stilness away from Facebook felt so zen-like that it was almost exhilarating. I comtemplate of a complete withdrawal from Facebook forever - if only I don't miss some of my friends.

It was also during these ten days of Facebook-Retreat that I come to be more acutely aware of who are the ones whom matter most to me, who are the ones who inspire and encourage me constantly and WHAT do I really want to know. 

And away from the hustle and bustle of Facebook, I have grown silent too - having no outlet to vent and express my thoughts and frustrations. So I turn inward, learn to listen to them instead, let them settle, and then let them go. I started this blog too, and realise how silence brings light to truth. And this is the most important lesson I have gotten out from this retreat.
When you cannot talk, it helps you to listen.

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