Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still, and be Stale

I realise, if it is your responsibility to get things moving, things will NOT move unless you do.

Yes, life is not a bed of roses. Things do not come easy, and they do not fall right into your laps. And most of the times, you really have to WORK HARD to make things HAPPEN.

I admit when I am faced with taunting tasks, I am most likely to indulge in Procrastination. I used to think it is due to the  Perfectionism streak in me, until I realise there is something more to it, which is - the Fear of Failure. But after being chronically affected by procrastination that it is stopping me from fulfilling my potential and disrupting my career, I come to learn that the best way out of it is to take things squarely in the face and DEAL WITH IT.

So, think positively and get going.
For if you choose to be STILL, things will just go STALE.

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